Pedagogy Colloquia: Monday, Sept 5, 4-5pm in 420 Social Sciences Building

Blumer Room - 402 Barrows Hall
The pedagogy colloquium meets monthly to discuss diverse aspects of teaching at Berkeley, with topics suggested by group participants and occasional guest


We will meet this fall on the first Wed. afternoon of each month, from 4-5 pm, in 420 Barrows
Sept. 5th: What are you teaching this semester? Let's learn more about what colleagues are doing in their classes. Bring your syllabus(i) to the group and share new ideas and challenges for your fall teaching. 
Oct. 3rd: Technology in the classroom: the good, the bad, the ugly
Nov. 7th: Helping students who are struggling with writing. Speaker from College Writing Programs
Dec. 5th: End of semester check-in and happy hour (meet in 402 Barrows)