Sociology Business Office

NEWS/UPDATES (February 2025):

Faculty are required to use this form to request a short absence (7 calendar days or fewer) from campus during a semester in which they are in-residence (not on sabbatical, medical, or other leave). For absences longer than 7 days please notify the Chair and Academic Personnel Analyst with more details.

Request for Academic Leave of Absence for Seven (7) Calendar Days or Fewer

NEWS/UPDATES (November 2024):


  • Update: UCOP has announced an increase in the daily Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) for within the continental US, raising it from $79 to $92.
    • Effective for travel on October 1, 2024 going forward.
    • This adjustment is NOT retroactive.
      • Individuals who have already submitted reimbursement requests for travel in October of this year will not be able to request additional funds if their expenses exceeded the previous limit of $79/day.
    • REMINDER: This is a daily limit for ACTUAL meal & incidental expenses. This is NOT per diem. Per diem does not exist for domestic travel (unless over 30 days).


NEWS/UPDATES (September 2024):


  • Update: The Sociology department Faculty Club group membership account has been reactivated!
  • Faculty Club charges are now being charged directly to the department credit card.
  • After each event, the host is REQUIRED to submit the Faculty Club chit/receipt and a completed and signed Entertainment Purchase Order Form.
    • Submit paperwork to Tamar Young (the cardholder) immediately following the event.
    • Failure to submit paperwork in a timely manner may result in loss of charging privileges.


Previous Sociology Business Office News/Updates can be found here.




Click on link to get to forms and additional information.

Type of Request


Entertainment Invoice Payment

Request payment to a caterer/restaurant for meals or light refreshments.

Entertainment Reimbursement

Request reimbursement for purchase of meals or light refreshments.

Honorarium Payment Request

Request payment of an honorarium to an invited guest.

Professional Services Purchase Order Request

Request purchase order to be issued to a vendor for services such as copy editing, transcription, etc.

Reimbursement Request

Request reimbursement for purchase of goods such as books, supplies, software, etc.  NOT for reimbursement for professional services of any kind.

Supply Purchase Order Request

Request purchase order to be issued to a vendor for supplies.

Travel Reimbursement: Airfare Direct Bill

Request code to charge airfare directly to campus chartstring.

Travel Reimbursement: Domestic

Request reimbursement for domestic business travel.

Travel Reimbursement: International

Request reimbursement for international business travel.


Click on link to get to forms and additional information.

Type of Request


Student Employment and Award Matrix

Matrix comparing different ways to compensate/pay a student.

Hire a Graduate Student Researcher

Request to hire/rehire/extend a Graduate Student Researcher (GSR).

Hire a Student Assistant

Request to hire/rehire/extend a Student Assistant.

Process a Student Award (stipend)

Request to issue a student award to pay for tuition/fees OR a student stipend.





Request payment to a caterer/restaurant for meals or light refreshments.


Entertainment Purchase Order Authorization and Documentation Form

Policy at a glance

  • Campus Entertainment website:
  • The meeting or event must have a clearly articulated business purpose.
  • An official host is a University employee or representative and MUST be present at the event.
  • The invoice should be itemized, clearly showing items purchased.
  • Alcohol costs cannot be charged to federal and state funding sources.
  • There is a maximum amount per-person that can be paid for allowable entertainment.
    New rates effective July 1, 2022.
    • Breakfast:  $31
    • Lunch:  $54
    • Dinner:  $94
    • Light Refreshment:  $22
  • Cost per-person includes food and beverage, sales tax, labor, delivery, service charge and gratuity. Room rental, equipment rental and set-up fees are NOT included in the per person calculation.
  • Exceptional entertainment, including entertainment which exceeds the per person maximum, requires approval by the Sociology Chair and the Dean of Social Sciences in the College of Letters & Sciences.
    • Request for exceptional approval must include a statement of justification and should be submitted to Michael Schneider,
    • Exceptional approval is NOT guaranteed.


  • Complete and submit signed form with the guest list and vendor invoice to Tamar Young, and Holly Le,
  • Typically, Entertainment POs are paid after the event has occurred. If the vendor requires payment or a purchase order number before the event occurs, please contact Tamar Young, for guidance.

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Request reimbursement for purchase of meals or light refreshments.


Entertainment Reimbursement Claim Form

Policy at a Glance

  • Campus Entertainment website
  • Entertainment reimbursement requests must be submitted to campus no later than 45 days after the date of the event.
    • Please submit requests ASAP, no later than 30 days after the event, in order to allow sufficient time for processing and approvals by the 45-day deadline.
    • Requests submitted after the 45-day submission deadline may be treated as taxable income, which will result in the employee being subject to withholding on those reimbursements.
  • The meeting or event must have a clearly articulated business purpose.
  • An official host is a University employee or representative and MUST be present at the event.
  • Receipt should be itemized, clearly showing items purchased.
  • Proof of payment such as a credit card receipt must also be provided.
  • Alcohol costs cannot be charged to federal and state funding sources.
  • There is a maximum amount per-person that can be reimbursed for allowable entertainment. New rates effective July 1, 2022:
    • Breakfast: $31
    • Lunch: $54
    • Dinner: $94
    • Light Refreshment: $22
  • Cost per-person includes food and beverage, sales tax, labor, delivery, service charge, and gratuity. Room rental, equipment rental, and set-up fees are NOT included in the per-person calculation.
  • Exceptional entertainment, including entertainment which exceeds the per-person maximum and entertainment for an event over one year ago, requires approval by the Sociology Chair and the Dean of Social Sciences in the College of Letters & Sciences.
    • Request for exceptional approval must include a statement of justification and should be submitted to Michael Schneider,
    • Exceptional approval is NOT guaranteed.


  • Preferred method:
    • Submit signed form, guest list, and receipt/proof of payment to Tamar Young, and Holly Le,
    • When the request is entered, you will receive a system-generated email link to complete the certification process in
    • Click through and review the pages of the request; then approve/certify on the last page.


  • Faculty and Staff may “Direct Enter” the entertainment reimbursement request through the campus’ Entertainment Reimbursement system. Please contact Tamar Young, or Holly Le, for guidance.

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Request payment of an honorarium to an invited guest.


Honorarium Payment Request Form

Policy at a Glance

  • Campus Honoraria Guidelines
  • An honorarium is a one-time payment granted in recognition of a special service such as a lecture, participation in a workshop, or similar activity.
  • Maximums apply for an honorarium to non-University personnel and faculty at other UC campuses.
  • Non-academic UC staff are not eligible to receive an honorarium.
  • Cannot be paid to UC Berkeley faculty. Research funds can be granted in lieu of an honorarium.
  • Honoraria paid to foreign individuals are subject to the same guidelines as citizens and US residents.
    • A Glacier tax record is required for all foreign individuals, and federal and state income tax may be withheld.
    • Some visa types do not allow an honorarium payment. Do NOT offer to pay an honorarium to a foreign individual in the US on a visa without checking first to see if it is allowable.


  • Complete and submit signed form with the flyer or announcement of talk to Holly Le,

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Request low-value purchase order from outside entity (not a university student or employee) for services, including academic editing, transcription, and repair services.

Policy at a Glance

  • Campus Procurement Guidelines
  • Common reimbursable services include academic editing, transcription, and repair services.
  • The purchase order must be issued by Berkeley Regional Services BEFORE any services are provided.
  • Purchase orders can be issued for single job/transaction or as a blanket purchase order for multiple transactions for the same project/job.
  • Vendor contracts CANNOT be signed off by departments. They must be reviewed and signed by Supply Chain Management.
  • Any services provided without a purchase order is considered an unauthorized purchase and is a violation of University procurement policy. Getting the vendor paid requires exceptional approval by the Sociology Chair and the Dean of Social Sciences in the College of Letters & Sciences.
    • Request for exceptional approval must include a statement of justification (why a purchase order was not obtained in advance of the work being performed) and should be submitted to Michael Schneider,
    • Exceptional approval is NOT guaranteed.


  • Determine if the vendor is registered as a UC Berkeley supplier.
    • Send Holly Le,, the vendor name, email address, and citizenship status (US Citizen/Permanent Resident or Foreign Individual with visa type).
      • If the supplier is NOT in the system, Holly will email the vendor an invitation to become a supplier.
      • If the supplier IS in the system, Holly will email the vendor information to check and update their record (address, payment information, etc.).
  • You must complete and submit the following:
  • The Sociology Business Office will submit these forms to Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) as a purchase requisition. You will be notified as soon as a purchase order has been created.
  • Once the PO has been created, the work can be performed, and the vendor can submit invoices for payment using the campus Transcepta system.

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Reimbursement for purchase of non-entertainment/non-travel expenses.
Reimbursement for professional services or honorarium are NOT allowed.


Policy at a glance

  • UCOP Policy BUS-43: Purchases of Goods and Services; Supply Chain Management
  • Common reimbursable expenses include books, supplies, computer equipment and software, memberships and subscriptions.
  • No reimbursement will be made for the personal purchase or use of a cell phone.
  • Reimbursement of any electronics (computers, laptops, etc.) must be submitted with a signed Electronic Use Agreement Form, which states:
    • the equipment is to be used primarily for official University business,
    • you are taking responsibility for safeguarding the equipment and any data on the equipment, and
    • if there is no longer a business need for the equipment or if you separate from University employment, you will promptly return the equipment.
    • FORM Electronic Use Agreement Form
  • Receipt(s) must clearly show items purchased and proof of payment (typically showing the last four digits of your credit card number and the amount charged).
  • Reimbursement for any receipts over one-year-old requires exceptional approval by the Sociology Chair and the Dean of Social Sciences in the College of Letters & Sciences.
    • Request for exceptional approval must include statement of justification and should be submitted to Michael Schneider,
    • Exceptional approval is NOT guaranteed.


  • Preferred method:
    • Submit signed form and receipt/proof of payment to Tamar Young, and Holly Le,
    • When the request is entered, you will receive a system-generated email link to complete the certification process in
    • Click through and review the pages of the request; then approve/certify on the last page.


  • Faculty and Staff may “Direct Enter” the reimbursement request through the campus’ Expense Reimbursement system. Please contact Tamar Young, or Holly Le, for guidance.

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Request low-value purchase order from outside vendor for common goods.
NOT for the purchase of professional services (editing, transcription, etc.).

Policy at a glance

  • Campus Procurement Guidelines
  • Common goods are goods, materials, and supplies that are readily obtainable through conventional commercial retail channels. Examples include: office supplies and consumer electronics.
  • The campus has preferred suppliers for many goods. The most common are:
    • Office supplies: Office Depot and Blaisdell's Business Products.
    • Computer Hardware: Dell and Apple.


  • For computer equipment and supply orders, please contact Aaron DuBois, Aaron will use your specifications to create a cart in BearBuy with your equipment/supplies. You will review the order and send your approval and funding/chartstring to Holly Le, for processing.
  • For non-computer orders, please contact Tamar Young,


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Request airfare Direct Bill ID (DBID) in order to charge airfare directly to University funds.


Airfare Direct Bill ID Request Form

Policy at a glance

  • Campus Travel Policy
  • Campus “Book a Flight” website
  • Only economy/coach class (including economy-premium/plus/elite) is allowed.
  • Airfare purchased with a Direct Bill ID must be business-related ONLY.
    • If personal time simply involves arriving earlier and/or staying longer at the destination at which the business travel occurred, then Direct Bill is allowable.
    • If personal time adds additional locations to the flight itinerary, then the ticket cannot be purchased using Direct Bill.
  • A Direct Bill ID can only be used for a single airline reservation. You will need to create a new DBID for each new airfare purchase.
  • Agency service fees will be charged against the same chartstring used for the airfare.


  • Complete form and submit to Holly Le,
  • Holly will email you with the DBID.


  • Book your airfare online using Connexxus:
  • When you get to the payment section, you will enter your DBID to automatically charge your airfare directly to your chartstring.
    • Note: agency service fees will be charged to the same chartstring.
  • Only faculty and staff can access Connexxus.
  • If you do not have access to Connexxus or would prefer to book through a travel agent, you can phone or email a participating travel agency. Give the agent your DBID at the time of booking.
    • Note: agency service fees are higher for bookings processed through a travel agent.

BCD Travel Agency
(877) 885-8632

UC Travel Center
(800) 235-8252


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Domestic Travel Reimbursement Claim Form

Policy at a glance

  • Campus Travel Policy
  • Travel reimbursement requests must be submitted to campus no later than 45 days after the date you return from your travel.
    • Please submit requests ASAP, no later than 30 days after the trip, to allow sufficient time for processing and approvals by the 45 day deadline.
    • Requests submitted after the 45 day submission deadline may be treated as taxable income, which will result in the employee being subject to withholding on those reimbursements.
  • Receipts are REQUIRED for airfare, car rental, conference registration, and domestic lodging, regardless of the amount.
  • Receipts for all other expenses are not required if under $75.
  • Bundled travel packages are not reimbursable unless every aspect of the package is clearly itemized.
  • Per diem does NOT exist for domestic travel (unless over 30 days); reimbursement is for actual expenses only.
  • Reimbursement for any travel over one-year ago requires exceptional approval by the Sociology Chair and the Dean of Social Sciences in the College of Letters & Sciences.
    • Request for exceptional approval must include statement of justification and should be submitted to Michael Schneider,
    • Exceptional approval is NOT guaranteed.


  • Only economy/coach class (including economy-premium/plus/elite) is reimbursable without exceptional approval.
  • When booking flights that include additional locations for personal time, please obtain a comparison airfare quote for the cost of airfare as if you were going exclusively to/from the business location. The lesser of the actual costs and the comparison flight will be reimbursed.
    • If the personal time simply involves arriving earlier and/or staying longer at the business location, then no comparison flight itinerary is required.
  • Travel days can include one day prior and/or one day after the conference if it is unreasonable to schedule travel on the same day.
  • Please make sure to provide explanation of additional days (personal or business) on the Travel Reimbursement form under “Special Circumstances.”
  • Airfare receipt must include itinerary and proof of payment (typically showing the last four digits of your credit card number and the amount charged).
  • The Business Air Travel Mitigation program assigns a fee to UC Berkeley business air travel trips to mitigate the environmental impacts associated with our business air travel by supporting campus projects that reduce our carbon footprint.
    • The fee is $10 per domestic round trip and will be assessed to the chartstring that the air travel was booked with.


  • Domestic daily lodging limit is $333/night room rate, excluding taxes and fees.
  • If you are unable to secure lodging at the $333/night rate, you must provide acceptable justification that supports the higher lodging rate.
    • If conference hotel rates exceed daily lodging limit, this is an acceptable justification. Note under "Special Circumstances" and provide documentation.
  • Receipt for lodging must show balance paid in full ("zero balance"). Taxes must be itemized separately from the base lodging rate.
  • No expenses should be claimed for personal days.

Meals & Incidentals

  • Meals and incidentals for domestic travel cannot exceed $92/day.
  • This is NOT a per diem; only actual expenses can be reimbursed.
  • Itemized receipts and proof of payment are required for all expenses of $75 or more.
  • No expenses should be claimed for personal days.
  • Any entertainment meals during travel should be included with the travel reimbursement.
    • All entertainment must comply with UC Entertainment policy (including limits and guest list).
    • Be careful not to duplicate your portion of the entertainment with personal meals claimed.


  • Preferred method:
    • Submit signed form and receipt(s)/proof of payment to Tamar Young, and Holly Le,
    • When the request is entered, you will receive a system-generated email link to complete the certification process in
    • Click through and review the pages of the request; then approve/certify on the last page.


  • Faculty and Staff may “Direct Enter” the travel reimbursement request through the campus’ Travel Reimbursement system. Please contact Tamar Young, or Holly Le, for guidance.

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International Travel Reimbursement Claim Form

Policy at a glance

  • Campus Travel Policy
  • Trip registration is REQUIRED for all university-related foreign travel, regardless of the State Department Travel Advisory level or travel purpose.
  • Travel reimbursement requests must be submitted to campus no later than 45 days after the date you return from your travel.
    • Please submit requests ASAP, no later than 30 days after the trip, in order to allow sufficient time for processing and approvals by the 45 day deadline.
    • Requests submitted after the 45 day submission deadline may be treated as taxable income, which will result in the employee being subject to withholding on those reimbursements.
  • Receipts are REQUIRED for airfare, car rental, and conference registration, regardless of the amount.
  • Receipts for all other expenses are not required if under $75.
  • Bundled travel packages are not reimbursable unless every aspect of the package is clearly itemized.
  • For expenses paid in foreign currency, please convert to US dollars. You can refer to your credit card statement or provide rates effective on the purchase date at:
  • Reimbursement for any travel over one-year ago requires exceptional approval by the Sociology Chair and the Dean of Social Sciences in the College of Letters & Sciences.
    • Request for exceptional approval must include statement of justification and should be submitted to Michael Schneider,
    • Exceptional approval is NOT guaranteed.


  • Only economy/coach class (including economy-premium/plus/elite) is reimbursable without exceptional approval.
  • When booking flights that include additional locations for personal time, please obtain a comparison airfare quote for the cost of airfare as if you were going exclusively to/from the business location. The lesser of the actual costs and the comparison flight will be reimbursed.
    • If the personal time simply involves arriving earlier and/or staying longer at the business location, then no comparison flight itinerary is required.
  • Travel days can include one day prior and/or one day after the conference if it is unreasonable to schedule travel on the same day.
  • Please make sure to provide explanation of additional days (personal or business) on the Travel Reimbursement form under “Special Circumstances.”
  • Airfare receipt must include itinerary and proof of payment (typically showing the last four digits of your credit card number and the amount charged).
  • The Business Air Travel Mitigation program assigns a fee to UC Berkeley business air travel trips to mitigate the environmental impacts associated with our business air travel by supporting campus projects that reduce our carbon footprint.
    • The fee is $25 per international round trip and will be assessed to the chartstring that the air travel was booked with.

Lodging and Meals & Incidentals

  • For international travel, you may claim lodging and meals/incidentals as itemized expenses OR as per diem.
  • Itemized
    • Lodging
      • Lodging cannot exceed the maximum daily limits based on the location:
      • If you are unable to secure lodging at or below the maximum daily rate, then acceptable justification that supports higher lodging rate must be provided.
      • If conference hotel rates exceed daily lodging limit, this is an acceptable justification. Note under "Special Circumstances" and provide documentation.
      • Receipt for lodging must show balance paid in full ("zero balance"). Taxes must be itemized separately from the base lodging rate.
      • No expenses should be claimed for personal days.
    • Meals & Incidentals
      • Meals and incidentals cannot exceed the maximum daily limits based on the location:
      • Since this is an itemized reimbursement, only actual expenses can be reimbursed.
      • Itemized receipts and proof of payment are required for all expenses of $75 or more.
      • No expenses should be claimed for personal days.
      • Any entertainment meals during travel should be included with the travel reimbursement.
        • All entertainment must comply with UC Entertainment policy (including limits and guest list).
        • Be careful not to duplicate your portion of the entertainment with personal meals claimed.
  • Per Diem
    • Maximum daily limits for lodging and meals/incidentals vary by location:
    • Receipts for lodging and meals/incidentals are NOT required if you are claiming per diem as long as you are not claiming more than the maximum daily limit.
    • No per diem should be claimed for personal days.
    • Any entertainment meals during travel should be included with the travel reimbursement. All entertainment must comply with UC Entertainment policy (including limits and guest list). Be careful not to duplicate your portion of the entertainment with personal meals claimed.


  • Preferred method:
    • Submit signed form and receipt(s)/proof of payment to Tamar Young, and Holly Le,
    • When the request is entered, you will receive a system-generated email link to complete the certification process in
    • Click through and review the pages of the request; then approve/certify on the last page.


  • Faculty and Staff may “Direct Enter” the travel reimbursement request through the campus’ Travel Reimbursement system. Please contact Tamar Young, or Holly Le, for guidance.

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Hire a Graduate
Student Researcher

Hire a Student Assistant

Issue Student Award


Compensation for research activities.

Compensation for clerical/
administrative activities.

Financial assistance for travel/research activities; prize or award.


Human Resources

Human Resources

Financial Aid

Type of Student


Graduate or Undergrad

Graduate or Undergrad

Pay Schedule




Pay Rate









(to report leave only)



Eligible for Fee Remission?





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Compensation for research activities.
GSRs are represented employees and are covered under the UAW contract.

IMPORTANT: Students are NOT allowed to work until they have completed onboarding 
 and/or received clearance from Berkeley Regional Services (BRS).

Policy at a Glance

  • UAW Contract (December 23, 2022 - May 31, 2025)
  • Graduate Student Academic Appointments Handbook
  • General Information
    • Academic (fall/spring) GSR appointments should be established at 25% or 50% time.
      • This does NOT apply to summer GSR appointments.
      • 25% for a full semester is the MINIMUM.
        • GSR appointments at less than 25% time do not meet the threshold for tuition/fee/health insurance remission, paid time off, service credit for experience-based increases, and other benefits outlined in the contract.
      • GSR appointments that are not 25% or 50% must have a justifiable business reason and require approval by the department manager and chair.
      • Appointment percent of time should be based solely on work expectation—NOT on available funding.
      • Mandatory training, meetings, and travel are all considered paid time and should be calculated as part of the appointment.
    • When practicable, GSR appointments shall be year-long appointments.
      • Once issued and accepted by the student, the Written Notice of Appointment establishes appointment security.
      • If the position offered and accepted is no longer available, you must place the student in an alternate position with similar compensation.
  • Eligibility
    • Registered and enrolled in a minimum of 12 units (except summer and winter breaks).
    • Minimum GPA of 3.0.
    • No more than 2 incomplete grades in upper division or graduate level courses.
  • Pay
    • GSRs are paid MONTHLY.
    • Salary is monthly, step-based.
    • Step/rate of pay should be commensurate with experience.
      • Prior GSR appointments on campus at 25% or more are taken into account to determine appropriate step placement.
      • Catherine Norton,, will run a campus report to determine a graduate student's prior GSR experience and step placement.
    • Pay is FIXED, based on the appointment percent of time regardless of the actual hours worked.
    • Timesheets are submitted but only to report leave taken (not to report hours worked).
    • Graduate students may work up to 50% during the regular semesters (fall and spring).
      • An appointment (or combination of appointments) from 51% to 75% requires approval by the student's head graduate advisor.
      • An appointment (or combination of appointments) over 75% is not allowed.
      • During summer and winter breaks, graduate students may work up to 100% without exceptional approval.
      • Graduate students on F-1 and J-1 visas are limited by federal regulation to working no more than 50% time during the regular semesters.
  • Fee Remission
    • Fee remission is a benefit of eligible employment for graduate student academic appointments.
    • GSRs appointed at least 25% earn tuition/fee remission.
    • When a student has multiple GSI, GSR, Reader, or Tutor appointments totaling 25% or more, then a fee remission will be generated and all chartstrings will be charged for the cost of fee remission divided proportionately according to the appointment percentages.
    • Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) premiums are automatically remitted as part of the fee remission program unless the student has a waiver of health insurance coverage on record at the University Health Services.
    • Summer GSR appointments do not require enrollment and do not pay fee remissions.


  • Submit hire/rehire/extension request to Catherine Norton,
  • Include the following information:
    • Student name
    • Student email address
    • Step (note: Catherine will run a report to confirm step placement)
    • Percent of time or number of hours per week
    • Begin date
    • End date
    • Funding source


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Compensation for educational and/or administrative activities.

IMPORTANT: Students are NOT allowed to work until they have completed onboarding and/or received clearance from Berkeley Regional Services (BRS).

Policy at a Glance

  • Student Assistant Series FAQ
  • General Information
    • Student Assistant titles should be used for clerical/administrative assistance ONLY.
    • A graduate student being hired to provide research assistance should be hired in a Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) position.
  • Eligibility
    • UC Berkeley students (graduate or undergraduate) who are registered for the current academic semester or are in the grace period.
    • Grace period is defined as a semester or summer, whichever is immediately before or after the period of enrollment.
  • Classification
    • Students should be placed in an appropriate Student Assistant level (2, 3, or 4) based on the nature of the work, level of assignment, and complexity of the work performed.
    • General guidelines:
      • Undergraduate students: Student Assistant 2
      • Graduate students: Student Assistant 3
      • Student Assistant 4 requires review by the department manager and HR to evaluate the job description to ensure proper classification level.
  • Pay
    • Students are paid BI-WEEKLY.
    • Salary is HOURLY range-based.
    • Rate of pay should be commensurate with experience.
    • Any salary above the midpoint of the range requires the approval of the department manager.
    • Pay is VARIABLE. Hours can vary throughout the appointment.
    • Pay is based on the number of hours submitted on timesheets through CalTime.
    • Generally, Student Assistant appointments should be 50% or less.
      • Undergraduates are allowed to work over 50%, but departments should consider the student’s academic workload.
      • Graduate students may work up to 50% during the regular semesters (fall and spring).
        • An appointment (or combination of appointments) from 51% to 75% requires approval by the student’s head graduate advisor.
        • An appointment (or combination of appointments) over 75% is not allowed.
        • During summer and winter breaks, graduate students may work up to 100% without exceptional approval.
        • Graduate students on F-1 and J-1 visas are limited by federal regulation to working no more than 50% time during the semester.
    • Student Assistant appointments are NOT eligible for fee remission.


  • Submit hire/rehire/extension request to Holly Le,
  • Include the following information:
    • Student name
    • Student email address
    • Hourly rate
    • Percent of time or number of hours per week
    • Begin date
    • End date
    • Funding source

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Issue a student award to pay for tuition/fees OR a student stipend.

Policy at a Glance

  • Financial Aid & Scholarships: Department Awards
  • Student awards (stipends) should NOT be used to pay for labor.
  • Any awards issued on department funds will be included in the student’s financial aid award package in CalCentral and will be paid to the student’s account.
  • There is no guarantee that a stipend will be received by the student as cash in hand.
  • Department-issued student awards can create an over-award that can negatively impact a student’s financial aid package.
  • It is best practice to check with the student before requesting an award.
    • The student should contact their advisor or the Financial Aid Office for more information on their financial aid.


  • Submit student award request to Holly Le,
  • Include the following information:
    • Student name
    • Student email address
    • Type (stipend or tuition/fees)
    • Semester or approximate issue date
    • Amount
    • Funding source

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