African Americans have the highest rates of single parenthood in the U.S., and this divergence from
the two-parent family is routinely indicted as a fundamental cause of their disadvantaged position in
society. One need only take a cursory glance at recent academic studies, news articles, policy briefs,
or social media posts to witness the single-parent family being implicated as the source of a wide
array of problems disproportionately affecting African American families. Implicit in this perspective
on black disadvantage is the assumption that the benefits of living in a two-parent are equally
available to all and will generate equality of opportunity for the next generation. However, a narrow
focus on single parenthood cannot tell us the counterfactual: When African American children grow
up in the socially promoted two-parent family, how do they fare? How do their outcomes compare
relative to their white peers raised in this same family structure? Put differently, is the two-parent
family the Great Equalizer most Americans imagine it to be? If not, why do opportunity gaps
between the children of Black and white couples persist? And how should we view the role of family
structure in contributing to racial inequality? Drawing on data from three nationally representative
surveys, I address these questions and much more.
Christina Cross, "Blood Lies: Why the Two-Parent Family is No Cure-All for Racial Inequality"
Blumer Room - 402 Social Sciences Building