Mara Loveman

Mara Loveman

466 Social Science Building
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
Comparative and historical sociology, political sociology, ethnoracial politics, biopolitics and necropolitics, political economy of development, race and nation, Latin America

Mara Loveman is a political and historical sociologist with broad interests in ethnoracial politics, nationalism, and the state.  Her research interests also include the sociology of development, biopolitics/necropolitics and the demography of ethnoracial difference and inequality, and social theory, with a regional focus on Latin America. Mara Loveman joined the UC-Berkeley sociology department in Fall of 2013. She was Chair of the Sociology Department 2015-2018, and from 2020-present is Chair of the Department of Demography.

From 2003-2013, she was a faculty member in the sociology department at UW-Madison. She earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from UCLA and her B.A. in Political Economy of Industrial Societies, Latin American Studies, and Spanish and Portuguese from UC-Berkeley.

Representative Publications


National Colors: Racial Classification and the State in Latin America. Oxford University Press. 2014.

*2015 Allan Sharlin Memorial Award for Outstanding Book in Social Science History, Social Science History Association. 

*2015 Oliver Cromwell Cox Book Award, Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Section of the American Sociological Association 

*2015 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Award, Political Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association

*2015 Best Scholarly Book Award, Section on Global and Transnational Sociology, American Sociological Association

Articles and Chapters:

Loveman, Mara. “Refusing constitutional multiculturalism: How Chile became a regional outlier and why Argentina did not.”  Forthcoming in Matthias Koenig and Kiyotero Tsuitsui, editors. Constitutional Multiculturalism in Global Comparative Perspective. Under contract with Cambridge University Press.

Loveman, Mara. “A política de um cenário de dados transformado: estatísticas etnorraciais no Brasil em uma perspectiva comparativa regional / The politics of a datascape transformed: ethnoracial statistics in Brazil in regional comparative perspective.” Sociologias (2021) Vol. 23 no 56, pp. 83-109.

Bailey, Stanley R., Fabrício M. Fialho, Mara Loveman. “How States Make Race: New Evidence from Brazil” Sociological Science. 5 [31] (2018): 522-571. (Alphabetical authorship). Loveman, Mara. “New Data, New Knowledge, New Politics: Race, Color, and Class Inequality in 21st-Century Latin America” in Alvin Tillery, Juliet Hooker (eds), The Double Bind: The Politics of Racial and Class Inequalities in the Americas. Report of the American Political Science Association Taskforce on Racial and Social Class Inequalities in the Americas. 2016.

Loveman, Mara. "“Traveling Abroad with a Map of a Made-in-the-USA Neoliberal City.” Ethnic and Racial Studies Review. 37 [10] (2014): 1753-1760.

Loveman, Mara. "Census Taking and Nation Making in Nineteenth-Century Latin America" in Miguel Centeno and Agustin Ferraro (eds) State Building in Latin America and Spain 1810s-1930s. Cambridge University Press. 2013.

Bailey, Stanley, Mara Loveman and Jeronimo O. Muniz. “Measures of Race and the Analysis of Racial Inequality in Brazil” Social Science Research 42 [1] (2013): 106-119.

Loveman, Mara, Jeronimo O. Muniz, and Stanley Bailey. “Brazil in Black and White? Race Categories, the Census, and the Study of Inequality” Ethnic and Racial Studies 35 [8] 2012

Loveman, Mara. “Whiteness in Latin America: Measurement and Meaning in National Censuses”Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 95 [2] (2009): 207-234

Loveman, Mara. “The Race to Progress: Census-Taking and Nation-Making in Brazil (1870-1920)”Hispanic American Historical Review 89 [3] (2009): 207-234.

Loveman, Mara. "The U.S. Census and the Contested Rules of Racial Classification in Early Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico"Caribbean Studies 35 [2] (2007): 79-114.

Loveman, Mara and Jeronimo O. Muniz. “How Puerto Rico Became White: Boundary Dynamics and Inter-Census Racial Reclassification”American Sociological Review 72[6]: 915-939, December 2007.

 Loveman, Mara. “Blinded like a State: The Revolt Against Civil Registration in 19th Century Brazil”Comparative Studies in Society and History 49(1): 5-39, January 2007.

Loveman, Mara, Jeronimo O. Muniz and Ana Cristina Collares. “Brazil – Sociology”Handbook of Latin American Studies. V.63. United States Library of Congress. 2007.

Loveman, Mara. “The Modern State and the Primitive Accumulation of Symbolic Power” American Journal of Sociology 110 [6] (2005): 1651-83.

Brubaker, Rogers, Mara Loveman and Peter Stamatov. “Ethnicity as Cognition” Theory and Society 33 [1] (2004): 31-64.

Loveman, Mara. “Is 'Race' Essential? A comment on Bonilla-Silva”American Sociological Review 64 [6] (1999).

Loveman, Mara. “Making ‘Race’ and Nation in the United States, South Africa, and Brazil: Taking Making Seriously” Theory and Society 28[6] (1999).

Loveman, Mara. “High Risk Collective Action: Defending Human Rights in Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina” American Journal of Sociology 104[2] (1998): 477-525.