Peter Forberg
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Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae117.63 KB
Research Interests
social movements, political sociology, organizational sociology, governance, new media and technology, ethnography
Peter Forberg joined the department in 2023 after completing a BA in sociology and an MA in digital studies of language, culture, and history at the University of Chicago. He is interested in how new media and technology are altering processes of governance, political organizing, and knowledge production.
Selected Publications
Forberg, Peter, and Kristen Schilt (equal authorship). 2023. “What is Ethnographic about Digital Ethnography? A Sociological Perspective.” Frontiers in Sociology 8: 116. [Link]
Forberg, Peter L. 2022. “From the Fringe to the Fore: An Algorithmic Ethnography of the Far-right Conspiracy Theory Group QAnon.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 51(3): 291-317. [Link]
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