Shoonchul Shin

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Shoonchul Shin

Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
Economic Sociology, Organizational Theory, Macro-Organizational Behavior, Strategic Leadership, and Corporate Social Responsibility

I received my Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California at Berkeley in December 2016. At present, I am a postdoctoral fellow at Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada. My research and teaching interests include economic sociology, organizational theory, entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, and sociological theory. I am currently working on three major research projects. The first explores how the patterns of CEO succession and post-succession organizational change are historically contingent on prevailing norms of appropriate behavior in large U.S. firms. The second explores historically specific ways through which CEOs utilize corporate annual reports to rationalize their underperformance and legitimate their power and authority over strategy. The third explores the media-based categorization of firms in nascent markets and its consequences for population dynamics. My new research project with Professor Tima Bansal at Ivey Business School studies the historical contingency of shareholder value ideology in U.S. It provides evidence from the model estimations of institutional ownership, executive compensation, and turnover on corporate restructuring activities and social performance in 1980-2017.

PhD Date:
Dissertation Title
Essays on Legitimacy and Organizational Outcomes
Dissertation Committee
Heather Haveman (chair), Neil Fligstein, and Toby Stuart (Haas School of Business)