Heather A. Haveman
I am Professor of Sociology and Business at the University of California, Berkeley. I hold a B.A. in history (1982, University of Toronto), an M.B.A. (1985, University of Toronto), and a Ph.D. in organizational behavior and industrial relations (1990, University of California, Berkeley). I worked at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business from 1990 to 1994, at Cornell University's Johnson Graduate School of Management from 1994 to 1999, and Columbia University's Graduate School of Business from 1998 to 2007. I joined U.C. Berkeley in July 2006.
I study how organizations, the fields in which they are embedded, and the careers of their members and employees evolve. I investigate questions that relate to organizational stability and change: How do new kinds of organizations emerge and how do new industries develop? How strong are the forces that impel or inhibit change in existing organizations' structures, strategies, and actions? What are the consequences of organizational change for organizations themselves and for their employees? How does industry evolution affect social structures? My current work involves American tech firms, U.S. collegiate women's sports, state-legal cannabis retailers in several U.S. states, and Chinese listed firms. My published work has used a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. I am currently harnessing natural-language-processing methods to review academic literatures and trace the rise and fall of different theories, and to map corporate cultures and workplace practices.
For more information and links to published papers and chapters, unpublished working papers, datasets, syllabi, and advice for PhD students, please go to my personal website: www.heatherhaveman.net.
Work in Progress
Haveman, Heather A. Organizations and Organizational Theory: Past, Present, and Future. Book manuscript. Under 2nd review at Princeton University Press.
Haveman, Heather A., and Jasmine Sanders. Obstacles to gender equality at work: The Bay Area tech industry.
Dioun, Cyrus, and Heather A. Haveman. Pricing conflict: Legal regimes, uncertainty, and prices in medical marijuana markets.
Haber, Jaren, Heather A. Haveman, and Yoon Sung Hong. A supercomputer reviews the literature on organizations: Combining supervised and unsupervised text-analysis methods.
Haber, Jaren, Heather A. Haveman, and Yoon Sung Hong. Applying expert-built dictionaries to automated analysis of complex texts.
Haveman, Heather A., Yongxiang Wang, Raymond Fisman, and Fuxiu Jiang. Innovation with Chinese characteristics: The evolving effects of political ties.
Recent Published Work (last 5 years; for earlier, see my c.v.)
Haveman, Heather A., and Nataliya Nedzhvestskaya. 2022. Community, self-help, and enterprise: The coevolution of capitalism and non-profit and for-profit businesses in Britain and Germany. Forthcoming in Research in the Sociology of Organizations.
Habinek, Jacob, and Heather A. Haveman. 2019. Professionals and populists: the making of a free market for medicine in the United States, 1787-1860. Socio-Economic Review, 17 (1): 81-108. (https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwy052) (LSE Business Review blog post)
Haveman, Heather A., and Rachel Wetts. 2019b. Contemporary organizational theory: The demographic, relational, and cultural perspectives. Sociology Compass, 13 (3): e12664. (http://doi.org/10.1111/soc4.12664)
Haveman, Heather A., and Rachel Wetts. 2019a. Organizational theory: From classical sociology to the 1970s. Sociology Compass, 13 (3): e12627. (https://doi.org/10.1111/soc4.12627) (orgtheory.net blog post)
Carlos, W. Chad, Wesley D. Sine, Brandon H. Lee, and Heather A. Haveman. 2018. Gone with the wind: Industry development and the evolution of social movement influence. Advances in Strategic Management , 38: 339-365. (DOI:10.1108/S0742-332220180000038018)
Haveman, Heather A., and Daniel N. Kluttz. 2018. Cultural spillovers: Copyright, conceptions of authors, and commercial practices. Law & Society Review, 52 (1): 7-40. (lead article; DOI:10.1111/lasr.12308)
Haveman, Heather A., and Ogi Radic. 2017. Educational background and stratification in the legal academy: Invasion of the body snatchers…or more of the same? Journal of Gender, Race, and Justice, 21 (1): 91-134.
Haveman, Heather A., Nan Jia, Jing Shi, and Yongxiang Wang. 2017. The dynamics of political embeddedness in China. Administrative Science Quarterly, 62 (1): 67-104. (DOI:10.1177/0001839216657311)