David J. Harding
David Harding studies poverty and inequality, urban neighborhoods, education, adolescents and young adults, incarceration, and prisoner reentry. He uses both qualitative and quantitative methods. His current projects include the social and economic reintegration of former prisoners, the transition to adulthood after prison, the effects of incarceration on crime, employment, and health, and causal inference for contextual effects research.
Now Available: After Prison: Navigating Adulthood in the Shadow of the Justice System (Russell Sage)
For prisoner reentry, incarceration, and related research, see www.prisonerreentryresearch.org.
Contact David Harding via email at dharding@berkeley.edu.
Books and Edited Volumes
David J. Harding and Heather M. Harris. 2020. After Prison: Navigating Adulthood in the Shadow of the Justice System. Russell Sage. (with chapters by Michael Menefee, Veronique Irwin, Joe LaBriola, and Keunbok Lee)
- How should California support prisoners released amid COVID-19?
- A post-election reckoning on race, segregation and justice is overdue
- Can California’s colleges help reintegrate former prisoners?
David J. Harding, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, and Jessica J.B. Wyse. 2019.On the Outside: Prisoner Reentry and Reintegration. University of Chicago Press.
- Families Bear the Burden of Prisoner Reintegration
- Thinking beyond prisoner reform to reintegration
- Reintegration is critical for rehabilitation of formerly incarcerated
- Our parole system focuses on control and punishment. What about reintegration?
David J. Harding. 2010. Living the Drama: Community, Conflict, and Culture Among Inner-City Boys. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
David J. Harding, Michele Lamont, and Mario Luis Small, editors. 2010. “Reconsidering Culture and Poverty.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 629.
Katherine Newman, Cybelle Fox, David Harding, Jal Mehta, and Wendy Roth. 2004. Rampage: The Social Roots of School Shootings. New York:Basic Books.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
David J. Harding and Martin D. Munk. 2019. “The Decline of Intergenerational Income Mobility in Denmark: Returns to Education, Demographic Change, and Labor Market Experience.” Social Forces.
David J. Harding, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, Anh P. Nguyen, Shawn D. Bushway and Ingrid A. Binswanger. 2019. “A Natural Experiment Study of the Effects of Imprisonment on Violence in the Community.” Nature Human Behaviour. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019-0604-8
- Scientific American Blog: Do Prisons Make Us Safer? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-prisons-make-us-safer/
- Behind the Paper: On the Promises and Pitfalls of Administrative Data https://socialsciences.nature.com/users/256492-david-harding/posts/49509-on-the-promises-and-pitfalls-of-administrative-data
Heather M. Harris and David J. Harding. 2019. “Race, Cumulative Criminal Justice System Involvement, and the Transition to Adulthood After Prison” RSF: Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 5(1):223–54. DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2019.5.1.10.
Ashkan Ertefaie, Anh Nguyen, David Harding, Jeffrey Morenoff, and Wei P. Yang. 2018. “Instrumental variable analysis with censored data in the presence of many weak instruments: Application to the effect of being sentenced to prison on time to employment.” Annals of Applied Statistics12(4): 2647-2673. https://doi.org/10.1214/18-AOAS1174
David J. Harding, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, Anh P. Nguyen, and Shawn D. Bushway. Forthcoming (September 2018). "Imprisonment and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment." American Journal of Sociology 124 (2).
- Berkeley Blog Post: http://blogs.berkeley.edu/2018/08/13/felony-convictions/
David J. Harding, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, Anh P. Nguyen, and Shawn D. Bushway. 2017. “The short- and long-term effects of imprisonment on future felony convictions and prison admissions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Online October 2, 2017:www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1701544114
Summary for non-academic audience: http://theconversation.com/parole-violations-are-driving-prisons-revolving-door-87057
David J. Harding, Jonah A. Siegel, and Jeffrey D. Morenoff. 2017. “Custodial Parole Sanctions and Earnings after Release from Prison.” Social Forces. (online first) doi: 10.1093/sf/sox047
- Summary for non-academic audience: http://www.wipsociology.org/2018/04/28/alternatives-to-prison-for-parole-violators-collateral-consequences-for-employment/
Keun Bok Lee, David J. Harding, and Jeffrey D. Morenoff. 2017. “Trajectories of Neighborhood Attainment after Prison.” Social Science Research 66: 211-233.
Ingrid A. Binswanger, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, David J. Harding, and Charley Chilcote. 2017. "Ascertainment of Vital Status among People with Criminal Justice Involvement using Department of Corrections Records, the U.S. National Death Index, and Social Security Master Death Files." American Journal of Epidemiology 185 (10): 982-985.
David J. Harding, Cheyney C. Dobson, Jessica J.B. Wyse, and Jeffrey D. Morenoff. 2017. “Narrative Change, Narrative Stability and Structural Constraint: The Case of Prisoner Reentry Narratives.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology 5(1): 261-304.
Geoffrey Wodtke, Felix Elwert, and David J. Harding. 2016. "Neighborhood Effect Heterogeneity by Family Income and Developmental Period: Evidence from a Counterfactual Model of High School Graduation." American Journal of Sociology 121(4): 1168-1222.
Harding, David J., Morenoff, Jeffrey D., Dobson, Cheyney C., Lane, Erin. R., Opatovsky, Kendra, Williams, Ed-Dee, and Wyse, Jessica J. B. 2017. “Families, Prisoner Reentry, and Reintegration.” in Linda. M. Burton, Derrick Burton, Susan M. McHale, Valerie King, and Jennifer Van Hook (Eds.), Boys and Men in African American Families. New York: Springer.
Torres, D. Diego, Jane Rochmes, and David J. Harding. 2017. “Enrollment and Degree Completion at For-Profit Colleges versus Traditional Institutions.” In For-Profit U: The Growing Role of For-Profit Colleges in Higher Education, edited by Tressie M. Cottom and W. Darity Jr. Palgrave Macmillan.
David J. Harding. 2016. “Culture, Poverty, and Racial Inequality: A New Agenda?” (Review Essay on The Cultural Matrix, edited by Patterson and Fosse). Contemporary Sociology 45(3): 273-276
Claire W. Herbert, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, and David J. Harding. 2015. “Homelessness and Housing Insecurity among Former Prisoners.” Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 1(2): 44-79. (Policy Brief: http://www.npc.umich.edu/publications/policy_briefs/brief42/ )
Jeffrey D. Morenoff and David J. Harding. 2014. “Prisoner Reentry and Communities.” Annual Review of Sociology 40: 411-29.
David J. Harding and Peter Hepburn. 2014. "Cultural Mechanisms in Neighborhood Effects Research in the United States." Sociologia urbana e rurale (Urban and Rural Sociology) 104:14-50.
Jessica Wyse, David J. Harding, and Jeffrey Morenoff. 2014. “Romantic Relationships and Criminal Desistance: Processes and Pathways.” Sociological Forum 29(2): 365-385.
David J. Harding, Jessica Wyse, Cheyney Dobson, and Jeffrey Morenoff. 2014. "Making Ends Meet after Prison.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 33 (2): 440–470.
David J. Harding, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, and Claire Herbert. 2013. “Home is Hard to Find: Neighborhoods, Institutions, and the Residential Trajectories of Returning Prisoners.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 647: 214-236.
David J. Harding and Kristin Seefeldt. “Mixed Methods and Causal Analysis.” 2013. Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research, Stephen L. Morgan, ed. Springer.
Geoffrey Wodtke, David J. Harding, and Felix Elwert. 2011. "Neighborhood Effects in Temporal Perspective." American Sociological Review 76(5): 713-736.
David J. Harding. 2011. “Rethinking the Cultural Context of Schooling Decisions in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods: From Deviant Subculture to Cultural Heterogeneity.” Sociology of Education 84(4) 322–339. (online appendices)
David J. Harding, Lisa Gennetian, Christopher Winship, Lisa Sanbonmatsu, and Jeffrey Kling. 2011. “Unpacking Neighborhood Influences on Education Outcomes: Setting the Stage for Future Research.” In Whither Opportunity: Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children’s Life Chances. Greg Duncan and Richard Murnane, eds. New York: Russell Sage; Chicago: Spencer Foundation. p. 277-296. (online appendix) (NBER working paper version)
David J. Harding. 2009. “Collateral Consequences of Violence in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods.” Social Forces 88(2): 757-782. (Online supplement)
David J. Harding. 2009. “Violence, Older Peers, and the Socialization of Adolescent Boys in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods.” American Sociological Review 74(3): 445-464.
Computer Code
David J. Harding. 2003. "Counterfactual Models of Neighborhood Effects: The Effect of Neighborhood Poverty on Dropping Out and Teenage Pregnancy." American Journal of Sociology 109(3): 676-719. (Mathematica Command File for Sensitivity Analysis) (Stata Command File for Sensitivity Analysis)