Marion Fourcade

Marion Fourcade

Marion Fourcade

474 Social Sciences
(510) 643-2707
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
Economic sociology, culture, political sociology, comparative methods, knowledge and science, digital society

Marion Fourcade is Professor of Sociology and Director of Social Science Matrix at UC Berkeley. She is the author of Economists and Societies: Discipline and Profession in the United States, Britain and France, 1890s to 1990s (Princeton University Press, 2009) and numerous articles on valuation, knowledge, and politics in comparative perspective. A second book, The Ordinal Society (with Kieran Healy, Harvard University Press 2024), describes the social and economic consequences of a new regime of knowledge that sees and scales people by way of behavioral data harvested through digital environments. Professor Fourcade is a recipient of the American Sociological Association's Distinguished Book Award, the Society for the Social Studies of Science's Ludwik Fleck prize for outstanding book in science and technology studies, and the Lewis Coser award for theoretical agenda setting. She has held Visiting Professorships at the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University and is an External Scientific member of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and a past President of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics.

Representative Publications

2024 The Ordinal Society (with Kieran Healy). Harvard University Press.

2021 Pandemic Exposures. Economy and Society in the Time of Coronavirus. (edited, with Didier Fassin, HAU).

2009 Economists and Societies: Discipline and Profession in the United States, Britain and France, 1890s-1990s (Princeton University Press) 

Selected articles, book chapters and essays

Forth The Insight-Inference Loop. Efficient Text Classification via Natural Language Inference and Threshold Tuning. (with Sandrine Chausson, David Harding, Björn Ross and Gregory Renard). In Sociological Methods and Research.

Forth "Rationalized Stratification" (with Kieran Healy) In N. Dahir, C. Daviss and D. Grusky (eds) Inequality Reader.

2023 "The Moral Economy of High-Tech Modernism." (with Henry Farrell), Daedalus.

2021 "The Society of Algorithms" (with Jenna Burrell). Annual Review of Sociology. 

2021 "Ordinal Citizenship." British Journal of Sociology.

2020 "Learning Like a State: Statecraft In the Digital Era" (with Jeffrey Gordon). Journal of Law and Political Economy.

2020 "Loops, Ladders and Links: The Recursivity of Social and Machine Learning" (with Fleur Johns). Theory and Society.

2020 "A Maussian bargain: Accumulation by Gift in Digital Capitalism" (with Daniel Kluttz). Big Data and Society.

2018 "Economics: The View From Below." Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 154(5).

2017 "The Fly and the Cookie: On the Moral Economy of 21st Century Capitalism." (SASE Presidential Lecture). Socio-Economic Review 15(3): 662-678.

2017 "Seeing Like a Market" (with Kieran Healy). Socio-Economic Review 15(1): 9-29.

2017 "The Social Trajectory of a Finance Professor and the Common Sense of Capital." (with Rakesh Khurana). History of Political Economy 49(2): 347-381.

2017 "State Metrology: The Rating of Sovereigns and the Judgment of Nations." In Kimberly Morgan and Ann Orloff, The Many Hands of the State, Cambridge University Press.

2016 "Ordinalization", Sociological Theory 34(3) 175-195

2016 “Political Structures and Political Mores: Varieties of Politics in Comparative Perspective.” (with Evan Schofer). Sociological Science 3: 413-443.

2016 “Political Space and the Space of Polities. Doing Politics Across Nations.” (with Brian Lande and Evan Schofer) Poetics 55: 1-18.

2015 "The Superiority of Economists" (with Etienne Ollion and Yann Algan), Journal of Economic Perspectives 29(1): 89-114.

2013 "Classification Situations: Life Chances in Neoliberal Society." (with Kieran Healy) >Accounting, Organizations and Society 38: 559-572. 

2013 From Social Control to Financial Economics: The Linked Ecologies of Economics and Business in Twentieth-Century America.” (with Rakesh Khurana) Theory and Society 42: 121-159.

2012 The Vile and the Noble: On the Relationship between Natural and Social Classifications in the French Wine World.The Sociological Quarterly 53: 524-545

2011 "Cents and Sensibility: Economic Values and the Nature of ‘Nature’ in France and America.American Journal of Sociology 116(6): 1721-1777

2007 "Theories of Markets, Theories of Society" American Behavioral Scientist 50(8): 1015-1034.

2007 "Moral Views of Market Society" Annual Review of Sociology 33: 285-311 (with Kieran Healy).

2006 "The Construction of a Global Profession: The Transnationalization of Economics." American Journal of Sociology 112(1): 145-195.

2002 "The Rebirth of the Liberal Creed: Paths to Neoliberalism in Four Countries." American Journal of Sociology 108(9): 533-579 (with Sarah Babb).

2001 "The Structural Contexts of Civic Engagement: Voluntary Association Membership in Comparative Perspective." American Sociological Review 66(6): 806-828 (with Evan Schofer).

2001 "Politics, Institutional Structures and the Rise of Economics: A Comparative Study." Theory and Society 30(3): 397-447.