David Joseph-Goteiner

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David Joseph-Goteiner

Research Interests
Urban, Organizations, Technology, Culture

David Joseph-Goteiner studies the dynamics of contemporary communities from the micro (apartment building, neighborhood) to the meso (community organizations across the US) to the macro (global social movements) scales. His dissertation "Worker Satisfaction on Digital Platforms", is at the intersection of organizations, culture, and technology.

David recently published The Globalization of an Interaction Ritual Chain: “Clapping for Carers” During the Conflict Against COVID-19 in Sociology of Religion, with Alexandre Rigal.

His master's paper is titled "Locating Decline and Growth of Civic Associations in Communities: The Case of the YMCA, 1950-2000." It attempts to better isolate the causes of decline and growth in civic associations by focusing on one national organization with many local chapters, the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). The discovery of great internal heterogeneity across YMCA chapters implies that the national fates of many organizations are not the result of a common, global force (e.g., television or state intervention), but are the net outcome of many discrete factors. In a complementary perspective to existing micro- and macro- accounts, this study treats civic associations first and foremost as organizations. This is an additional “meso” lens to use in the analysis of civic associations and the communities that they are located in. The working manuscript is available upon request.

Before coming to UC Berkeley, David completed a master's in sociology at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (in 2018) and received his bachelor's from Yale University (in 2014).

Feel free to email David about any and everything: djosephgoteiner@berkeley.edu