Michaela Simmons
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae69.29 KB
Research Interests
American welfare state, poverty, racial inequality
My research focuses on the intersection of poverty, race, and the American welfare state—all of which I examine through a historical lens as a way to deepen sociological perspectives of contemporary inequalities. My dissertation pursues these issues empirically by examining the racial politics of foster care. Using archival evidence, the project traces the distinct modes of access to child protection in early twentieth century New York, and offers insight into the racialization of inclusion strategies.
PhD Date:
Dissertation Title
Racialized Pathways of Protection: Race, Childhood, and Public Accountability in New York City Foster Care, 1910-1960
Dissertation Committee
Raka Ray (chair), Cybelle Fox, Chris Muller, Jill Berrick (outside member)